By using the services of CAIPS GCMS REPORTS you agree to the following terms and conditions:
The information accessed by CAIPS GCMS REPORTS is procured under the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act of Canada. CAIPS GCMS REPORTS is not affiliated with any Canadian Government Agency.
The information provided by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is delivered to you as is without any modification, concealment, changes or omissions.
All electronic information obtained from you is handled and stored in accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).
CAIPS GCMS REPORTS is currently accepting payments by Credit and Debit cards issued by leading financial institutions like, Visa, Master Card, American Express, and other payment options like PayPal. If you are unable to make a payment with any of the above mentioned, we would be happy to accommodate your needs by offering wire transfer, and other modes of payment as per your convenience.
All payments made are subject to clearance and you are bound by the terms and conditions as set by the respective payment gateways used by CAIPS GCMS REPORTS.
There is no refund once the order is processed or if there are any delays from ATIP
We at CAIPS GCMS REPORTS do not generate notes and are not responsible for any delays from ATIP. If any delays, we will send reminder emails to ATIP. ATIP has the right to delay your notes without sending any extension notice or providing any reasons. We are only responsible for processing orders on time and delivering the notes after we receive from ATIP. For complaints regarding delays, client can collect the tracking no. from us and email ATIP directly.
We at CAIPS GCMS REPORTS are here to assist you in obtaining information from the Canadian Agencies and will strive to accommodate your requests and process them as fast as we can. If a dispute arises out of, or in connection with this Contract, the parties agree to meet to pursue resolution through negotiation or other appropriate dispute resolution process before resorting to litigation.